Qualification Title: National Diploma: Early Childhood Development

Qualification ID: 64650

NQF Level: 5

Credits: 241


This qualification is designed to:

  • Enable educators/ learners to plan and implement a learning programme which is based on their knowledge of child development
    from birth to nine years and which helps children in a specific phase work towards achieving the learning outcomes of the national school curriculum (where appropriate).
  • Improve community-based ECD services for young children by raising the level of ECD teaching competence and/ or by providing opportunities for training in support and leadership roles.

This qualification provides a substantial qualification for:

  • Potential learners/educators who have acquired an FETC (Grade 12) or equivalent qualification at Level 4 (120 credits) and who wish to make ECD their full-time career.
  • Learners/educators who have a Level 4 qualification in ECD to further their career and professional development in ECD.
  • Learners/educators who have a Higher Certificate in ECD to further their career and professional development in ECD.


Once you’ve completed this qualification, you will be able to:

  1. Mediate active learning in anintegrated and holistic learning programme.
  2. Facilitate learning and development of children with barriers to learning and other special needs, including those coping with abuse and violence, within an inclusive anti-bias approach.
  3. Promote the safety and healthy development of each child.
  4. Work with colleagues, families and community systems to develop each child`s potential as fully as possible.
  5. Manage a well-planned and organised learning programme to meet the needs of individual children within the framework of the national school curriculum (where appropriate).
  6. Select and use appropriate methods and procedures for assessing children`s progress and reporting on this to parents.
  7. Promote the development of high quality ECD programmes and services.
  8. Communicate effectively for the purposes of academic study and professional practice.
  9. Plan and implement appropriate learning activities and materials or management practices based on knowledge of the principles, processes and content of the chosen specialisation.


This qualification is suitable to teach babies, toddlers, and young children. Age 0 to grade R.


Module 1: Design activities to support development.

Module 2: Mediate active learning.

Module 3: Conduct assessment.

Module 4: Promote healthy development.

Module 5: Literacy & communication skills.

Module 6: Facilitate a programme of learning.

Module 7: Diversity & special needs in ECD.

Module 8: Organise & manage the learning programme.

Module 9: Life skills, literacy, & numeracy learning programmes.

Module 10: Final integrated summative assessment.


      Learners need the following knowledge and skills equivalent to NQF Level 4:

      • The ability to read, write and use written resource material for learning and teaching in at least two South African languages.
      • The ability to understand fundamental mathematical/numeracy concepts.